New Zealand in Mind Part 3 - Student Visa

Hi RTK Readers,

Happy Tuesday and Alhamdulillah we are still in the month of June. Eid just finished and I hope everyones had a fantastic Eid with family and friends wherever they are.

Here's another series of New Zealand in Mind from Esdira (instagram: esdira.aijalida) that I would like to share with you. This is part 3, about student visa, it is the most popular visa that people choose when migrating. You are not alone.  You may read the previous article in links below:

        Before that, dont forget to subscribe and follow to my blog. Thanks.

How's part 3 so far? That's Esdira and her little pumpkin on graduation day.  :)

I know the border is still close, but not to worry it will not be forever. Meanwhile, you may strategise your plan moving to New Zealand.

Facebook: route tokiwi

Instagram: routetokiwi


I just don’t Twitter.


Nga Mihi,

